It was from a big dream that in 1990 began to emerge the development that is now known as Lever Group. The creator of all is called Egnaldo Nascimento, Sergipe, City Lagarto, who came with his family to Salvador for over 30 years. No great possibilities at the time, and to increase income earned by his father, he was selling coffee, produced by his mother, Maria, at the Fair of 7 doors. "We worked with something small, but I always had the dream of creating a great company, involving many and varied products," recalls the entrepreneur Birth family.


At first, Egnaldo worked only with vegetables, buying the direct goods producer and selling CEASA. about six years later, he started the direct supply to restaurants and industrial kitchens. As yet it had a physical structure, separating the products in a van, which was the only vehicle used for this process. In mid-2000, the first Box was purchased.


Although still go through many difficulties, Lever Distributor It was growing and gaining new customers.


Selling only wholesale, Lever currently has 90 employees, including employees and contractors, three sheds, some plantations in Bahia and its own fleet of 16 vehicles, in addition to using eight other outsourced vehicles.


To constantly improve the services, Lever understood that it was necessary to qualify its employees by investing in the training of all staff, with guidance on the handling of products, cleaning and care.


The Group, which also has the support of a nutritionist to the internal awareness work, meets the market restaurants, hotels and industrial kitchens, and ships through a partner company. The motto of the Lever, distributor of a full line of vegetables, fruits and spices, is to offer

a service of excellence through quality, flexibility and fair price.



Satisfy the customer with our simple way , responsible and happy to be in order to offer you a service of excellence through quality , agility, fair price and always valuing teamwork .



To be a reference company in the produce farmers sector in Brazil .



Quality, ethics, transparency, social responsibility, joy,

simplicity, honesty, appreciation and respect for human beings.


Via Parafuso, KM 05, SN Galpão 06, Box 27, CEASA, CEP 41.400-000 - Salvador - BA

(71) 3301-6383 | 3301-6355 | 4103-0015 | 3163-2541



